

Miners Inn
Goonswarm Federation
Name Miners Inn
Ticker 0MIN0
Alliance Goonswarm Federation
Faction -
Ceo Lord Folken Fanel
Members 155
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 98560652

Members [155]


u'Knocking the rocks since 2006
Most great Eve pilots starts as miners.
Lets become great pilots. \u2665

What we can offer:
- Mining operations (HS, LS, NS)
- Weekly moon mining from R8 - R64 moons (HS, LS, NS)
- Industry up to capital production
- SRP on mining ships
- Buyback on everything that you find arround New Eden
- PVP and PVE fleets from LVL4 Sec missions to bomber runs
- Abysal and FOB running

Why you should choose us:
- we are like you
- we don\xb4t feel Special
- we are helping everyone who seeks Help
- Noob friendly starter corp
- Veteran retirement home
- Real life always comes first

Before you Join:
Miners Inn is currently deployed in null sec.

(15% Taxes)

No spam, no scams. no piracy!

Recruitment channel Miners-Inn
CEO & Diplomat Lord Folken Fanel '

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-06 14:00:21
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